Friday, January 07, 2011

Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee

We will be reading J. M. Coetzee's book, Disgrace, winner of the Booker and Commonwealth Prizes. I've gathered some links about the book and the novelist, posted below. Please feel free to send along any other items of interest.

Salon review in 1999
What wikipedia says about Disgrace
The Guardian review of Disgrace
The Amazon page on Disgrace
Book review on
Tony D'Souza writes an essay about Disgrace
Complete Reviews page

As you probably all know, Coetzee won the Nobel prize in 2003. Here's his biography on the Nobel web site.
What wiki says about Coetzee


shelley said...

Just read "Disgrace" by Coetzee and also several analysies and reviews. No one has suggested that Lurie is a metaphor for the South African White settler who took over the country in much the same way that Lurie took over the young girl. He did not ask her permission and assumed that if he enjoyed the experence then she also must have enjoyed it. No clue about how others feel about any situation. There were constant events that seemed to me to reinforce this metaphor....but since none of the reviews even mentioned it I wondered if I am just dreaming this up.

luvarugula said...

That was a metaphor that certainly popped up for me as well while reading the book.

Well said!

A whole 'nother topic but would you think perhaps those ideas may be too provocative for major media?

Other metaphors as well, such as the mixed race child as the future.